Almost nearly 2 years ago, The First illustrated Lesson from Quran Tafsir [Brief illustrated Explanation of Surah al Asr | Nouman Ali Khan | [HD] was uploaded, Alhumdullilah, Allah swt has put so Much Barakah in it that now we have completed the Entire Funding Process for making a Proper Studio and Making such illustrated Lessons a Weekly Feature now! Insha Allah!
Insha Allah, we hope that we all volunteers would be able to supplement brother Nouman Ali Khan and his official organization Bayyinah in this way and continue to contribute our efforts for helping Quran's Message reach to everyone in its Purest Form!
Experts would be Working FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL JOBS on making these videos, and Because we have relied on Funding Model instead of Subscription Model! it would be available to the Entire Globe FREE and WITHOUT ANY COPYRIGHTS whatsoever!
Insha Allah it will be a beginning of a Massive outreach campaign in which we will try to pair up brother Nouman Ali Khan's Amazing Work and Vision with Powerful Visuals that would enable the Message of Quran to be Portrayed Clearly and in a Very Engaging Manner to Each and Everyone, Insha Allah!
The Brothers who would be involved in this Project will have to Resign from their official jobs at the moment and they will do so after the completion of the current project they are working on as part of their regular jobs (as they are heading the project and it is already in midway) , Insha Allah this will be completed by 2nd week of April!
So keeping this in mind and the fact that necessary equipment will have to be purchased and office setting will have to be done, Insha Allah The Studio would be Fully Functional on 1st of May ! Insha Allah, Please Make Dua that Allah Swt Puts alot of Barakah in it!
=> We would release a New illustration video later today, Insha Allah!
==> Also we would like you to suggest us a Good Name for the Studio in the comments.
Jazakum Allah Khayrun (Please do make Dua that Allah swt puts more Barakah in this Project and Brings Great Benefit to Humanity from it, Insha Allah).